Membership Renewal Drive – please read

January 5, 2015 Leave your thoughts Posted under

Membership Renewal Drive – Free TI Membership for 3 Members

The Club will reimburse 3 lucky members who have renewed their TI Membership by Sunday, January 18th. Members who pay their Piranha membership fee annually (as opposed to a monthly standing order) must have paid the annual fee of €250 by January 18th to qualify.

Each day between Jan 5th and Jan 18th the number of members who are ‘in the pot’ will be published. The winners will be announced after the Committee Meeting of Monday, Jan 19th. All those who have already paid their 2015 TI Membership will be included in the draw.

The Club has obtained confirmation from Triathlon Ireland that the insurance associated with the 2014 TI Membership will carry-over until January, 31st, 2015. Access to training sessions can only be permitted to 2015 TI Members from that date forward. The swim list will be amended on February 1st to reflect this.

Please familiarise yourselves with the Club Policy on Membership Fees – outlined below for ease of reference.

Your membership team,

Barry and Louise.

Piranha Triathlon Club

Membership Fee Policy

Categories of Membership:

Full Member: €250.00 per annum (which can be paid by monthly standing order of €23.00)
Student Member: €120.00 per annum
Associate Member: € 30.00 per annum

Period of Membership

Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year. In line with the established practice from Triathlon Ireland, a 1 month grace period for renewal of club membership is provided until January 31st of the following year.

New Members:

In order to attract new members to the club, full membership can be acquired by paying €23.00 per month by standing order from the first month of joining to the end of the year in which they join.

Single payment fees for new full members will be €250 in the months of January, February, March, April and May. Fees will be €125.00 in the months of June through to December.

Full annual fees will be due effective January 1st of the following year.

No Monthly Membership

The Club would like to confirm that payment of the annual fee by 12 monthly standing orders does not constitute a monthly membership.

Any default in the payment of the Standing Order will be assumed by the Club to be an indication of cancelation of membership. The Membership Team will contact such members to confirm whether it is their intention to leave the club or not before removing them from the membership / swim lists.

Payment Methods:

Triathlon Ireland Website: This is the most effective means of payment and the preferred one of the club. Club membership fees can be paid at the same time as the Triathlon Ireland fee is being paid, or as a separate transaction.

Standing Order: Payment by Standing Order is only available for full membership. Standing Orders for €23.00 should be set-up by members either using the internet banking facility of their bank or by completing the attached form and sending it to their bank.

Standing Orders should be paid on the 1st day of each month. For those setting-up the Standing Order on their internet banking, the Receiver’s Reference field should state the name of the member sending the payment <member name>. The receiving account details for the membership fees are:

Piranha Triathlon Club
Permanent TSB
405 Howth Road,
Dublin 5
IBAN: IE26IPBS99064185530758

Electronic Payments: Payment of annual fees can be paid to the account below. Please ensure the Receiver’s Reference field states the name of the member sending the payment <member name>. The receiving account details for the membership fees are:

Piranha Triathlon Club
Permanent TSB
405 Howth Road,
Dublin 5
IBAN: IE26IPBS99064185530758


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