Graduation from the Newbie program Fingal Tri

May 18, 2011 Leave your thoughts Posted under

Date: Friday May 13th
Weather: รœber windy, hailstones that could take an eye out and rain to add to the mix
Plan for the day: Work, couch. Yep managed that one ok
Mood: A little nervous, but more chilled out than anything as this was an evening off to ‘prep’ for the big day
Date: Saturday May 14th
Weather: Little less wind, no hailstones, but raining
Plan for the day: Sleep, trip to Homebase, pack tri bag, registry for Fingal, check tri bag, rugby match, Eurovision, re-check tri bag, bed
Morning started fine, as I slept for most of it!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
Afternoon ok-ish as we registered in NAC, checked out the pool and the bike route. Wasn’t the happiest with the wind and four roundabouts (note to self, bring Garda escort on next bike session).
Evening…….Munster match to remind me how unfit I am…Eurovision to distract myself and everyone from the fact I couldn’t eat a thing. In fairness, I love wearing the aul lipstick, and the Jedward dudes did distract for the sum total of 2 minutes.

Read on for more…

Date: Sunday May 15th
Weather: Rain and wind DISASTER
Plan for the day: Repack tri bag!!!! Kick ass in the pool, panic on the bike, sleep
Mood: Cranky at the start as woke several times during the night convinced it was 7am!!!!
7am BUZZZZ BUZZZZZ this time it was 7am and whose great idea was this whole tri thing anyway? I mean what the hell, it’s a Sunday and I was up earlier than I am midweek. But it was time to get my ass out of bed. As well as the main man himself. Another note to self, next time don’t tell him its 7am, let him think it’s like 11 or something, might be safer for everyone!!!!
After the initial shock of being up, we both packed the car with my several bags and bike. I had to check three times that the bike was actually in the car. Even on the M50 I kept checking. It wasn’t even on a rack or anything, it was in the boot.
8:30am Arrived at NAC in the rain. Quick loo stop and off to set up transition with the other newbies. Walked around a bit, ok so I actually followed Sharon. Found a nice spot and set everything up. Fine, Sharon found a nice spot ๐Ÿ™‚ Panicked while trying to figure out where bike out, bike in and the rest of it was happening. Practiced walking up to bike and heading out again. Nothing else to do there so time for another loo stop, half a sandwich and a look around.
9:30am Race briefing, when we could finally hear him all I heard in my head was ‘Hello, what the hell are you doing’
10:10am The Swim: Watched wave 1 swim, then headed down with Louise, another newbie, to the deck to get ready. The last of wave 1 were finishing up and everyone was cheering like mad for the last guy. I got so distracted I nearly forgot that I was about to swim myself. Hats were all distributed, we seeded ourselves, popped into the pool and swam one length.

The buzzer for starting wasn’t the loudest and it ended up everyone just shouting go go go. So off we set. I started at 4th position, but was soon passing people and lapping some others. I felt like I was flying it. The no passing in the middle of the lane was a little frustrating, especially on my last two laps which I always push myself on.

Luckily I was in lane 10 and was able to use the ladder to climb out and not be pulled out looking like a beached whale (not my words!!!!) I was third out of the water in my wave and was delighted with myself. I was also happy out that I was able to breathe while running to T1. Wearing the Piranha gear was great as people just shouted at you ‘Go Piranha’ which helped.
Into T1, found my bike nice and easy. On went the glasses, race belt helmet but I struggled with my shoes. Two minutes later and I was outta there. It was handy being out of the swim a little ahead of people as it meant there wasn’t a mad dash to get on the bike. So I walked over the mount line and moved to the side to try and throw my leg over. I’m the most ungraceful bike mounter ever, but I managed and off I went.
The Bike: I wanted to get through all the roundabouts before trying to take some much needed water as I was afraid I’d get lost. I’m so glad I mastered the whole drinking and cycling thing.

About 2 minutes after setting off the overtaking started and guys were whizzing past me. I didn’t mind a huge amount as I knew I had kicked their ass in the pool and I was only cycling since March. Fellow Piranha’s shouted as they passed. Drivers looked on with slight annoyance and Sunday walkers gave a little cheer. At one point a marshal shouted I was third woman in the wave, that’ll do I thought.

So on I went. I had remembered from the briefing that there would be a hill on the way back so I just told myself to keep going so I could enjoy going down the hill. I had to unclip at the turn-about as I haven’t mastered sharp turns yet. On the way back and down the hill I spotted a girl I could possible overtake as she was reaching for a gel. This was it, my one chance to overtake on the bike and I went for it. Wahoooo I had managed to overtake! Granted it was only one person, but that’s one person more than I thought I could.

At the some point on the way back the same guy shouted I was fifth girl in the wave. Still happy with that so on I went, giving tiny waves to the fellow newbies starting out from wave three.

I spotted the runners from wave 1 and 2 and knew I was nearly there. I could see the dismount line. I just had to remember to unclip on time. But when was the right time, was I too far away? Ahhhhh! Slight panic but I managed it and then attempted to run into T2.  I was only overtaken by one woman meaning I was the sixth woman into transition from my wave. Nope it wasn’t the same person I overtook. I know it’s not overall numbers but it’s enough to make me happy.
This was the end of the race for me as I knew I couldn’t run. I hadn’t left my runners in transition as I knew I would have been tempted and I’m glad I didn’t as I was feeling great and could have kept going.
I couldn’t believe it was all over. I was just standing there with my bike going ‘What now’ ‘I loved every minute of it.
3pm Slept for two hours ๐Ÿ™‚

A huge thanks to Elena and Tadhg for all their advice over the past few weeks, and to all the other newbies for being there to enjoy the journey with, and to all other Piranha members for their support and kind words along the way. It really felt like the whole club helped my cross the line, or get as far as T2 anyway
Also a special thanks to the main man, Conor, who ended up doing countless trips back and forth to the car with everyone’s bags and for cheering at me at the pool then running out and cheering me on when I was heading off the bike.

I’ve really enjoyed blogging for the newbies, I hope you enjoyed reading and looking forward to the season ahead. Best of luck everyone.


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