Joanne Weadick Blog: Triathlon Debut

May 21, 2012 Leave your thoughts Posted under
joanne valentia

I am delighted to say I am writing this blog having completed my first triathlon! It was a difficult few weeks coming up to Valencia. Having come back off holiday not having done anything for 2 weeks and with only 5 weeks to the race it was pretty daunting. My fitness had gone down, jet lag had really taken its toll and it felt like I was going backwards. Some of the more experienced/fitter Piranhas were heading off on warm weather training to only get fitter and I felt like a bobbing duck left behind in Westwood. I was determined not to let this knock my confidence and work through it. I really just had to listen to my body in the weeks coming up to the race. The hard work had been done throughout the year so I just wanted to get back to where I was pre Vegas and avoid injury. The coaches were great at this stage, just for a bit of reassurance that all would be ok and I wouldn’t die on the course. I had no idea what time I would aim for so survival was the aim and to hopefully cross the line! i just wanted to avoid a DNF or worse still.. a DNS!!!

I maintained 2-3 swims per week, 2x 5k runs per week and 1 long cycle coming up to the race. I did one big cycle to the Naul with the intermediate group. A little ambitious on my part but it was a horrendously windy day. I was glad after though having done it, it can only build the leg strength! I did a couple of sea swims to acclimatise and was glad i had. It was freeeeezing! quite a shock to the system.

In all honesty I was looking forward to Valencia. There was a good group going and there was as much chatter about the BBQ and party after than the race itself. Myself and Linda (aka Legless) were driving down together. We packed up the Golf to the brim with bikes, running gear, wetsuits, tri suits, dressy clothes. day clothes.. needless to say there was little room to breath in the car. We met some of the lads in Limerick on the way & went shopping.. 3 BBQ’s, 72 beers and €90 worth of food later we were on our way again..

We registered on Friday night as soon as we arrived on the island. Getting our race numers, swim hats bike stickers, there was a real sense of reality hitting home. Back in the house, the lads compared bikes, wheels, laces, times.. the competition had started. We girls were happy chilling out and watching a few episodes of Sex and the City.

The morning of the race I was suprisingly calm. I don’t know how we managed it but the sun was shining, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the water was as still. We couldn’t have asked for better conditions… i was thanking my lucky stars!! The buzz at transition was electric.. if you could have bottled, it you could have sold it. There was a great Piranha turnout.. i was proud to be wearing the blue and redtrisuit.

The ferry brought us back to the mainland where the race was to start. I was in the 3rd wave. I was glad when the claxon went, I just needed to get going. The swim went really well, the water wasn’t as cold as it had been in Seapoint. Transitioning on to the bike was ok, just felt a bit disorientated and sick getting out of the water but that soon passed. On the bike the scenery was amazing. It was such an enjoyable ride. I knew at this point i was addicted, whatever time i finished or how i placed i knew i wanted to experience this feeling again and again. it had all been worth it! Tranisitioning to the run was tough. My legs were tired, it went straight on to a hill and my run is my worst discipline. I just took my time, waited to catch my breath and keep up a jog. Uphill 2.5 turn and then downhill 2.5.. the last 1km I knew the end was in sight. I picked up my tempo as much as I could to finish strong. Seeing all the Piranha’s cheering on the sideline really carried me the last few metres. I jumped over the finish line.. I had done it!! 1:35 overall.. I was delighted.


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