Race Report: Waterford 1/2 marathon

December 13, 2011 Leave your thoughts Posted under


 By Ellen Shilling

It’s all Petrina Mulroes fault. She knew exactly how to get each of us to sign up to something we really probably wouldn’t have done otherwise. She knew that I’d hate to miss out on anything, put a challenge in front of Aishling and she’s in, Louise loves the craic and Alva needed a stress release. Soon she had her possie together and we’d all signed up (reluctantly yet half excited). 5 weeks to get race fit.

The last ½ marathon I’d run was in memory of my friend who died in a road accident a month before so I’d mixed feelings about doing another one. I thought of quietly doing this one in his memory also. Neilo was not a man for the running, or anything healthy really. In ten years of knowing him I only ever saw him exercise once and that was dancing at a dodgy niteclub! So I knew he’d get a laugh out of me doing more exercise in one day than he’d done in his entire life. Then the injury crept in. 2 weeks before the race and I couldn’t run to the bottom of the road. Oh well, that’s it, I’ll be the support crew with Joanne. Slightly disappointed but secretly delighted – maybe I wouldn’t have to do this?

Total rest for 2 weeks and a light jog the night before – no pain. Oh holy cr*p I am going to have to do this.

Roll around to race day and a somewhat nervous trip down, the conditions were perfect if somewhat Baltic. Total respect to Aishling in her tri-suit, I’d multiple layers on me and still couldn’t keep warm.

Once we started to run the feeling thankfully came back into my legs. I ran with john walnut for a few miles, that was until he started moaning about the website at which point I decided to drop him. Huh J

My fastest time was 1hour 44 and that was 2 years ago. We started off with the 1hour 50 min runners, then caught up with the 1 hour 45 ones.

By mile 6 I had the 1hr 40min balloon man that was the pacer in sight (and henceforth shall be known as balloon man). No way, I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be brilliant to beat him. Not a chance, you’ve no training done, yeah but wouldn’t it be cool…….the voices in my head were having a field day. No ipod does that do you.

Mile 7 and we were rounding a bend to start the road home. Someone shouts “nearly there now” I mean, why? I know and they know that I’ve another 6.1 miles left, 6.1 torturous miles left. I’m not nearly there, I’m not anywhere near nearly there! I chuckled, had to otherwise I would have punched him.

Mile 8 and a hill. Probably was a flat but it felt like Howth. Thank you to that poor guy who I heavy breathed behind, he was probably trying just to get away from me, but I did draft him and managed a very deep and husky (not sexy in any way) thank you, before I finished off his water and had to slow to a crawl.

Balloon man was just ahead. 10 metres away now.


50 metres. I needed a serious talking to. Neilo. Had a chuckle. Ran. Ahead of balloon man now. Couldn’t believe it. Mile 10 and into double didgits. Happy days.

Mile 11 and I felt sick. My body felt fine, I knew I had extra energy (thanks to all those flapjacks) so that wasn’t the problem. But I really thought I might be physically ill if I took another step. One foot infront of the other Ellen.

Mile 12 and the end is in sight. Balloon man had caught me again. He gave us all great words of encouragement, the content of which escapes me now but it was exactly what I needed to hear. What I didn’t need to hear however, was a man behind me randomly screaming every minute or so, and I mean really screaming. It didn’t inspire me. Not far now thank god.

200 metres on a running track to the finish, I couldn’t believe it when I crossed the finish line – 1 hour 39 mins and 10 seconds. We did it Neilo, I’m bringing you with me on the next race, and funnily enough there will be another ½ marathon – now, who said that?!



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